Week 19
NFT marketplace testing is ongoing. We've brought in even more community and partner projects to obtain feedback and are making some minor changes based on what we've received from them. Several AMAs coming up this week as well as more discussions with future NFT project partners.
To date:
Minor updates throughout the website:
Some modules color changes were being stubborn, they received the hammer and now match
Farms data displays even when user isn't logged in
About us section has added members
Links now display properly on all social platforms
SCSG private round is underway for 75k token ARC holders. Info can be found at starcardsports.games/token
LP rewards have been adjusted down. No further change has been decided; we will announce if/when another adjustment is needed
APE Dads <> ARC Twitter spaces Tuesday 10th 7-8pm EST | 11pm-12am UTC
Crypto Assassins AMA Friday 13th, 1-2pm EST | 5-6pm UTC
Final rounds of NFT Marketplace testing before launch
Deployment of the updated dashboard
ARC Generator continued development/finalization for launch
Last updated